Here, we’ve listed some useful local services, which you may need during your stay with us. Whether you’re looking for attractions and activities, places to eat and drink, chef recommendations or grocery deliveries, we’ve got you covered. Of course, we’re always on hand to help, should you need anything else. Please contact us here if you need any assistance at all.
We have three luxurious properties in central Scotland, available for large group self-catering holidays. Stuckgowan and Stuckdarach are near Loch Lomond, and Stucktaymore is by Loch Tay. Stuckgowan sleeps up to 19 guests, Stuckdarach sleeps up to 12, and Stucktaymore can accommodate up to 29. Each provides the perfect accommodation for friends and family get-togethers and special occasions. All of our houses have comfortable bedrooms, spacious areas for cooking, dining, socialising and relaxation, hot tubs, and beautiful outdoor spaces with amazing views.
View our local services for Stucktaymore by Loch Tay and Stuckgowan & Stuckdarach by Loch Lomond. Here, you’ll find handy lists of activities and things to do in the area. As our properties are self-catering, we’ve also included grocery shopping information, places to eat and drink and our approved chefs for private catering services. Whatever you need, we are here to help. So please just ask if you need any further information to plan your stay with us.
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